COVID-19 : Some Superficial Outlook ✅

A current widely known fact is that the outbreak of COVID-19 is seriously affecting the world economically and socially. The impact has so far been brutal as of now we have 182.457 confirmed cases and the death toll has rised till the dramatic figure of 7.158 (on the moment I wrote it) (you can see the live statistics here:

Coronavirus is a highly contagious virus that somehow got its way to mankind in the black markets in China, especifically in the illegal trade of wild animals, although it was said that the COVID-19 was due to a "batsoup" or something like, it has been certainly proved that the virus came out from one of those black markets which was in terrible sanitary conditions.

It's well known that COVID-19 is not deathly for everyone, though, the elderly and people with respiratory problems are HIGHLY JEOPARDIZED if they ever rose this disease, so just in the case you were laid-back and carefreely abandon going out while you have the COVID-19, let me remind you it might end up as a death sentence for other person with the problems mentioned above.

Avoid panickying and keep calm, stay home, WASH YOUR HANDS properly, don't go to massive gatherings, reunions, meetings or crowded places, wear mufflers (although they are more useful for people who have got the virus, as it doesn't help you from getting it but from spreading it, though there are some especial masks for being better protected) just as a prevention, avoid phisycal contact and keep your daily devices/tools clean.

Here's a tutorial on how to watch your hands properly by Babylon Health.
