Little Introduction to Apex Legends ✅

Probably one of the biggest gaming hits in the late years, Apex Legends is one of those many games that have brought the Battle Royale gamemode. After the huge impact Fortnite made around the world and its millions of players in 2017, the gaming community started to look for more Battle Royaling over the place with games such as PUBG or H1Z1.

Until 2018, Apex Legends appeared as the bet of EA Sports and Respawn Entertainment for the Battle Royal field, and the game has succeded till today. 

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The Gamemode

The difference with the other Battle Royale games is that this game is focused more on teamworking than for and individual (solo) mode. It has worked perfectly as it gives you the chance of meeting new people and to share good moments or some competitivenes with your PSN friends. 

The Legends

There have been 10 legends added so far, each one of them have 3 unique habilities that will let you make many different things, from grappling to creating inter-dimensional portals. 

The Map

There have been two maps already in the game, the first one was King's Canyon which was a big canyon that has some kind of shacks and a ton of spots to have decent fights. The map was much smaller than the current one which is World's Edge, a futuristic map with a plenty of cities and train stations that compared to King's Canyon is way too big.

The Servers

This is probably the biggest down of the game; servers are often unstable and irregular, they tend to take players out or sometime they are too slow and laggy to get a playable status.

General Gameplay Review

- Weapons: There are 6 kind of weapons: Sub-Machine Guns, Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles, Pistols and Shotguns.

Machine Guns: R-99, Alternator and Prowler SMG
Assault Rifles: Hemlok, R-301, Flatline, Havoc and L-Star (Only available in drops).
Light Machine Guns: Spitfire and Devotion
Sniper Rifles: Longbow DMR, G7 Scout, Charge Rifle and Kraber (Only available in drops).
Pistols: Wingman, P2020, RE-45
Shotguns: EVA-8, Peacekeeper, Mozambique and Mastiff (Only available in drops) 

- Game Currency: There are three kind of currency in the game:

Apex Coins: The premium currency of the game, it's only gotten through the battle pass and also you have to pay real money to get more of the due.
Crafting Metals: You get them in Apex Packs; they permit you to purchase skins, voice lines, weapon skins and others.
Legend Tokens: Allows you to purchase legends and to switch daily challenges.

- Battle Pass, Apex Packs and Challenges: The challenging system is pretty apealing to the gamer; formed by challenges that go from the most difficult to the easiest one as knocking down an enemy.

The Battle Pass has 110 levels, each one of them have a different variety of reward like weapon skins, legends skins, emotes, voice lines.

The Apex Packs are won with the Battle Pass or obtaining a higher level, they often give you weapon skins, legend skins, emotes, voice lines or crafting metals; if you are lucky enough, you may get a reliquie.

- Customization: You can customize your legends with a wide variety of skins and have a lot of items going from the common ones to the legendary items.
